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Shorashim Hebrew School Fall 2024 Registration

Shorashim Hebrew School at HPCT-CAE

Fall Session 2024:
Sundays 9:45 - 11:45 AM
Sept. 8th - Dec. 15th
No classes on Oct. 6th, Oct. 20th, Dec 1st



Registration Form 
Information for Parent/Guardian 1:
Information for Parent/Guardian 2:
Primary Address:
Additional Emergency Contacts

Please enter the names of two emergency contacts who are not parents/guardians of the child(ren) registering.
For example: Grandparent, Cousin, Friend
For example: Grandparent, Cousin, Friend
Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment of Child(ren)

Emergency Medical Release: In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parents, guardians, or emergency contacts. In the event that they cannot be reached, I hereby give my consent for the administration of any treatment deemed necessary by emergency medical professionals to secure treatment for my child and other actions taken to secure proper treatment for my child, including the transfer of my child to any hospital reasonably accessible.

Please write the name of the parent/guardian filling out this form.

Photographic Image Permission:

Shorashim Hebrew School at HPCT-CAE, its employees, or agents have the right to take photographs, videotape, or digital recordings ("Images") of me or my child(ren) and to use them in the following ways:
1. Sharing photos of my child(ren) with faces visible in internal communication only, including our school newsletter and emails that are sent to registered families only.
2. Sharing photos of my child(ren) which do not show children's faces in external communication, including photos on our website or on social media. The photos will not include any names or personal identifiers.

This is important in order for us to share and communicate the educational activities our program has to offer.

If you have concerns or special considerations, please contact us directly by email at
I do hereby release to Shorashim Hebrew School at HPCT-CAE, its agents, and employees all rights to exhibit this work in print and electronic form publicly or privately as detailed above. I wave any rights, claims, or interest I may have to control the use of my image in whatever media used.

If applicable
If your child has a food allergy, we require that an unopened EpiPen pack along with instructions and contact phone numbers be provided in a plastic zip-lock bag, labeled with your child's name.

If there is a chance that your child will need medication, such as an inhaler for asthma, during school hours, please provide an unopened package of the medication labeled with your child's name, instructions and contact phone numbers in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Please let us know if your child has any other support needs so that we can work together to meet them.

If applicable
If your child has a food allergy, we require that an unopened EpiPen pack along with instructions and contact phone numbers be provided in a plastic zip-lock bag, labeled with your child's name.

If there is a chance that your child will need medication, such as an inhaler for asthma, during school hours, please provide an unopened package of the medication labeled with your child's name, instructions and contact phone numbers in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Please let us know if your child has any other support needs so that we can work together to meet them.

If applicable
If your child has a food allergy, we require that an unopened EpiPen pack along with instructions and contact phone numbers be provided in a plastic zip-lock bag, labeled with your child's name.

If there is a chance that your child will need medication, such as an inhaler for asthma, during school hours, please provide an unopened package of the medication labeled with your child's name, instructions and contact phone numbers in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Please let us know if your child has any other support needs so that we can work together to meet them.

If applicable
If your child has a food allergy, we require that an unopened EpiPen pack along with instructions and contact phone numbers be provided in a plastic zip-lock bag, labeled with your child's name.

If there is a chance that your child will need medication, such as an inhaler for asthma, during school hours, please provide an unopened package of the medication labeled with your child's name, instructions and contact phone numbers in a plastic zip-lock bag.

Please let us know if your child has any other support needs so that we can work together to meet them.

If you are enrolling a baby/toddler in addition to older siblings, please enter the information for your baby/toddler first, to optimize the sibling discount.
The above amount is the total enrollment fee for Shorashim Hebrew School for all children registered.

Please note that finances will never stand in the way of your child's education at Shorashim Hebrew School at HPCT-CAE.  If you would benefit from or would like to discuss a scholarship, please let us know by checking the Scholarship option above and someone from our office will be in touch.

For any other questions or assistance, please email us at

Thank you!
Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784